Thursday, August 05, 2010

Shout it Out!

“If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer(German Lutheran Pastor and Theologian)

Unfortunately for the politician, that train often contains gravy. But I love the visual this quote brings to mind. The idea that someone would have the lack of common sense to think otherwise is incredible. But perhaps you haven't been keeping up with our government officials as of late. To them I say, "Beware the November elections!"


Sara Ott said...

I love of the few Christians to stand against Hitler. He was executed for his part in a plot to kill Hitler. His "Ethics" about right and wrong in relation to God/others should be required reading for all.

Mrs. Rellim said...

Yeah, he also said that politics are not for Christians, but here we are. I figure that if I ignore what's happening in politics, then my options will be limited to other people's ideas.