Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Wee Scream

A scream in the wee hours of the morning, anyway. . . Not sure it was even a scream. More of a cross between an Avatar war cry and an R2D2 robot noise. Now that we've had time to process, Mike and I agree that it was probably a howl from a cat fight somewhere outside.

But before he had a time to process or put on glasses or slip on appropriate clothing or turn on lights, Mr. Rellim jumped out of bed, ran to Rachel's room and hollered, "RACHEL?!" to which she gruffly replied, "WHAT?!" He then found his way to Quinn's room, but didn't say anything. (I assumed he was quietly checking for breathing sounds while I stifled a scream in my chest.)

Mike returned to our room in less than 30 seconds and said, "Did you hear that?" but fell asleep almost before I could answer. I assumed everything was OK but didn't want to get out of bed even though I really had to use the bathroom. Finally, nature won over my fear of the bogeyman, but I turned on every light on the way, re-checked the kids and did not fall asleep again.

Stupid, freaky scream-like noise.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I'm impressed that he got out of bed to check. When noises happen here I seem to be the SWAT team leader. Gary is a BIG scaredy cat.