Saturday, November 12, 2011

From the Backseat

My nephew, Owen (8 yrs old) came to visit yesterday and I drove him and Quinn around over Quinn's lunch break so they could have a "roaming picnic" while eating McDonald's drive-through. Owen is a good reader and he entertained himself - and especially me - by reading signs in town. As we drove by the college dive Planet Wiener, Owen noticed that the giant hotdog on the sign had rings around it like one of the planets in our solar system. The following conversation ensued . . .

Owen: Look! Planet Wiener! There's a giant hotdog coming out of Uranus!
Quinn: That's not Uranus. That's Saturn. Uranus doesn't have rings around it, only rocks.
Owen: Well, I think it is a wiener and it is Uranus! Why did they make the wiener poke through Uranus? It looks funny.

It was all I could do to keep driving.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I would like to drive those kids around on my lunch break. Please share them?