Sunday, March 04, 2012


My parents bought a GPS device for me last Christmas. I like it, but I am wary of the possibility of it becoming sentient. I don't always follow its direction, but sometimes I'm talking to a passenger or listening to the radio, or just misjudging how far "800 yards" is until the next turn. I'm worried that I could be disappointing or angering the thing. Yesterday, my fear seemed to come true as the GPS said to me, "TURN RIGHT! TURN LEFT!" near the airport in St. Louis. Shocked, I pulled over until it recalculated.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

My mom loves to "disobey" her GPS. My sister-in-law has a GPS with a variety of celebrity voices from which to choose. When she stayed with the kids a few weeks ago, they were amused my Mr. T. admonishing Aunt Nancy that he'd "pity the foo-" who didn't follow his turn-by-turn direction-giving.