Thursday, August 16, 2012


There have been two reported cases of the swine flu in our county, so when Quinn woke up with a fever and a cough (and asked to go to the doctor!), I took him in to see the doctor.  We were having a little trouble getting in for an appointment until I shared that he had been showing hogs at the State Fair all weekend.  Suddenly, a spot opened with the practitioner of our choice.

Fortunately, Quinn does not have the flu, but sinus and ear infections.  He's working on day three of his antibiotics and feeling better.

Funny thing is that when I was asking him about his symptoms before his appointment, he said, "I'm hot, I'm tired, I'm coughing, and I can't even meow!"

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I've heard of that "not meowing" symptom. Hope you told your dr.