Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Again, with another group of first graders today, the therapy probes were not going well.  We were practicing "social smarts" - thinking about what the group is learning and staying on topic.

Out of the blue, one of the students said, "Look at my bandaid!  Here, let me show you what's underneath - it's from a skito.  A TEN POUND skito!  A TEN POUND GERMAN skito.  It just bitted me and now I have this mark.  Have you gotted a bite by a ten pound German skito?"

Student two replied, "Look at my bandaid!  Let me show you my ringworm.  See?  It gotted two creams and one bandaid.  Wanna touch it?"

Me:  "NOOOO!"

The session wrapped up so we could all go to the bathroom to wash our hands.


Sonia said...


Whitney said...

Those 10-pound German mosquitoes are the worst!