Sunday, November 28, 2010


Quinn has this toy that is a type of pedometer, only the number of steps equates to watts and "experience points" for the pokemon in his video game. These points then transfer from the pokewalker back to the video game. The idea, I suppose, is to get the kid off the couch for a while.

Instead, I've observed my son to think of creative ways to get the pokewalker to register "steps" taken.

1. tape pokewalker to ceiling fan and turn on high
2. place pokewalker in salad spinner and spin
3. attatch pokewalker to neighbor's dog's collar
4. attach pokewalker to cat and entice it to chase laser light
(problem - we don't have a cat)
5. attach pokewalker to box fan and turn on high so that it vibrates

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