Monday, July 31, 2006


Friends of ours participate in RAGBRAI which is the Registered (something, something) Bike Ride Across Iowa.

The kids and I attempted to bike ride across town today and only got 2 blocks away before the boy started complaining that his bike wasn't peddling well, the daughter's foot slipped and scraped on the pavement, and my bike started making crazy won't-change-gears noises.

So, we mosied our sorry-selves home just in time to witness the daughter's toe bleeding (She's certain it will have to be amputated.), her bicycle crashing to a halt - right onto her brother's foot, wild screaming from the boy (He's certain his foot is broken.) and my loud grumbling.

Instead of a leisurely bike ride, we have settled for ice packs, cold drinks and The Price Is Right on Channel 3. Maybe we will attempt an excursion later today.

But, do you know what? Our home is air conditioned, the computer is working and the refrigerator is full. Life is good.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I have a picture of a bike -- a tandem triple. Father, mother, daughter ride it with a tag-a-long for the younger son, followed by a burley for the toddler. Now that's a family out for a ride. I cannot imagine how hard it was to peddle up the hills and how terrifying it was to fly downhill.