Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bathroom Etiquette

So, I'm relaxing in the living room after a long day at school and I hear the toilet flush. That's OK. What puts the fear of God in me is the young boy dashing out of the bathroom screaming, "Run! Run! Run! Mo-o-o-o-o-o-om!"

At the time of this post, we keep a plunger in that bathroom. But, I still wonder who he was bidding to flee the vicinity.

I've heard of dropping friends off at the pool. . .


Whitney said...

My brother-in-law Steve once stated, "As God as my witness I have no idea how it ended up on the ceiling!"

You just never know.

Mrs. Rellim said...

Steve is Gary's brother, right? Do you remember the spinach quiche incident in the upstairs bathroom at our townhouse in Matton?