Monday, October 23, 2006

The Real Deal

I was there tonight to listen to a former Iraqi General and National Security Advisor to Saddam Hussein, Georges Sada. He spoke of the atrocities orchestrated by the former dictator and the goodness of America and its allies in toppling the regime. He assured us that the chemical, nuclear and biological weapons were real. Where did they go? To Syria, under the guise of humanitarian aide to the country. Some of the cargo planes were filled with food, blankets and medicine. Some were filled with chemical weapons to be hidden.

He told us the many times his life was spared, even as he defied the demands of Saddam and his son and did not execute the 40 pilots who were prisoners of war in 1991. He told us of the night Saddam's bunker was hit by Patriot missiles - He was in the bunker waiting for Saddam.

Why his life has been spared, he does not know. But he does know that whatever plan God has, it is not for us to understand, only to follow and know that the strength for the tasks ahead will come from Him.

He has written a book "Saddam's Lies: How an Iraqi General Defied and Survived Saddam Hussein" and I can't wait to read it.

This Christian man is the real deal. Where was NBC? CBS? ABC? FOX? All I saw this week was a small article on the back page of the newspaper in small town USA.

It may be time to write a letter to the editor . . .

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